Thursday, August 5, 2010

The "American" Way

Since we slept through almost our entire flight from Dallas to London, there isn't too much to report and certainly not enough information for a full airplane review. I do have two complaints worth mentioning.

Since there were only TV's in the middle for all to view, one would expect a family friendly movie to be shown. One definitely wouldn't expect "Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakual". Seriously, American Airlines? That is the best you can do. It seems they were catering to the lowest common denominator with that decision. There are literally hundreds of other movies that would have served the same purpose of entertaining people of all ages. I thought about naming a couple hundred for you here, but I already have a limited amount of readers so I want to hold on to the ones I have.  Fortunately, as I said, I fell asleep right after the movie started because if I actually did sit through "Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakual", I don't think I'd ever be the same. To be fair, it's probably better than "The Bounty Hunter", my new benchmark for horrendous movies.

My second complaint has to do with the new thing where the homeless folks on the plane (or are they flight attendants?) walk down the aisle and ask for loose change to give to Unicef. Now, I'm not against giving money to charity. What I am against is after hiking up ticket prices, charging to check luggage and pretty much anything else they can figure out a way to charge for, the airlines asking for another dime from passengers. Just between you and me, I don't have any proof, but I'm not convinced all of that loose change is really going to those in need. I'm just saying.

It was good being back in the US for a week. It was nice being back in the office, seeing old friends, and of course being with Jenn. I got my Tex-Mex, Breakfast Taco, and burger fix. The food highlight of the week, however, was the Dandy Don Meredith, which is what I ordered for lunch at Olivia. What is the Dandy Don Meredith you ask? It is a glorious combination of brisket chili and two fried eggs circled by cheese fries. It warrants a picture, so here you go:

We are heading to Berlin this weekend and then it's off to Ireland for two weeks for work. The jet setting never stops.


1 comment:

  1. i totally agree on the unicef thing. they started that about a decade ago, if i recall correctly.
    it was soooooooooooooooooo great seeing you guys while you were back in town!
